SEAMARPROPERTY Sarl au capital de 1000 euro
1 av. des Hellènes 06310 Beaulieu s/m
Tel +33 6 24 09 15 77 – 820566602 RCS Nice
Carte Transaction & Gestion CPI 0605 201 6000 009 719 délivré par CCI Nice
Garantie Galian Transaction 120.000 euro- Gestion 120.000 euro
89 Rue LA BOETIE 75008 PARIS
RCP Transaction/Gestion MMA 14 bvd Marie et Alexandre Oyon 72030 Le Mans Cedex 9
In accordance with article L 611-1 of the consumer code, the consumer is informed that he has the possibility of seizing a consumer mediator under the conditions provided for in articles L 611-1 and following of the consumer code, whose administrative details are: Association MEDIMMOCONSO, 1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena – Building A – CS25222 – 44505 LA BAULE CEDEX;